“What Shall We Do?” - Sunday Sermon December 15th, 2024;
Join us Sunday Mornings at 10:50 am, either via live stream or in person, at Wesleyan Hills United Methodist Church, located at 390 S Yates Rd Memphis, TN 38119.
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Gathering and Fellowship
Welcoming and Announcements
Opening Prayer
Entrance - Prelude
Lighting of the Advent Wreath
Opening Hymn - “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” - pg. 218
Prayer/Lord’s Prayer
Carol - “A Lute Carol” (Nancy Miller & Ashleigh Rainwater)
Lighting of the Advent Wreath (Danny Rainwater)
Response - “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” (Danny Rainwater & John Rainwater)
Lessons and Carols
Luke 2:1-7
“Silent Celebration” (Nancy Owens)
“The First Noel” (Chancel Choir)
Luke 2:8-14
“Good News” (Abbeigh George & Chancel Choir)
Luke 2:15-20
“Somebody’s Talkin’ ‘Bout Jesus” (Nancy Owens, Ashleigh Rainwater & Abbeigh George)
John 1:1-10
“Sweet Little Jesus Boy” (Ruthie Bernabe & Chancel Choir)
John 1:11-14
“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” (John Rainwater, Nancy Owens, Ashleigh Rainwater & Abbeigh George)
Scripture Reading -
Philippians 4:4-7 pg. 1432
Luke 3:7-18 pg. 1247-1248
Sermon - “What Shall We Do?“ - Dr. Susan Sharpe
Reflection - “King of Peace“ (Nancy Owens & John Rainwater)
Offertory - “Christmas Hymn” (Ashleigh Rainwater & Chancel Choir)
Closing Hymn - “Angels We Have Heard on High” pg. 238
Choral Benediction - “Emmanuel, Emmanuel” pg. 204
This is a church for all God's Children!